Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Catch Me if You Can"

Another Spielberg film that keeps us on our toes.  Spielberg's films all pocess a common quality in that they have action and are always on the move.  This movie is no different, it is always moving and never focusing too much on one scene.  This movie jumps from one scene to the next and also jumps between time zones via flashbacks.  This gives us a sense of how Frank ended up where he did in the beginning of the movie.

As the book talked about we see bright colors in the film as Spielberg has in his other films.  He tends to keep things very bright and well lit throughout his films.  When the book talks about the concept of style I would have to say that this film is mainly fast-paced and exciting as are most of his films.  Spielberg's films are also more on the unrealistic side such as Jurrasic Park and War of the Worlds.  This is also the case here since the scheme that Frank is pulling would not be as successful in real life as it was in the movie.

For the movie it was very well done.  I personally like Tom Hanks as an actor and so I enjoy his films.  He is one of those actors who is very versatile.  He can go from a very serious role to one with a more comical side.  I also think that Leonardo Dicaprio did a very good job too with his role in this movie.  I like how in the movie he is taking on all these different identities and is still able to portray each of them in a convincing way.  It is interesting how they made him be able to pick up on the different identities by watching TV programs.  Loved the reference to James Bond in the movie.

I liked how they kept the music that played throughout the movie from the same time period that the movie was set in.  It kept the whole setting of the movie in check.  It was also great how they made the scenes jump back and forth from Frank to Carl during the end as the chase was getting closer.  This really made the movie stay interesting instead of just focusing on one character for too long.  Even thought it has the comical feeling throughout the movie it still has the seriousness behind it that he did this all just so they would listen to him and pay attention to him.  This is very real in our real world today that's all anyone really wants.

I will have to say though that the movie does get redundant with going from one identity to the next and how Frank can't hold an honest relationship with anyone.  The ending gets better when he finally gets caught and it breaks up the redundancy.  Also when he and Carl begin to get closer at the end shows that he can form a relationship with someone.  All in all pretty good movie not one of my favorite Spielberg films but still enjoyable to watch.

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